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Transportation Award

Allan C. Wright Memorial Transportation Award

In honor of our late colleague and friend, Allan C. Wright, CAFS has renamed their annual Transportation Award in his memory. In the spirit of Al's work and legacy, the award will now be called the "Allan C. Wright Memorial Transportation Award".

Allan was a leader in his field, his enthusiasm and interest in this industry serve as a benchmark for those who follow. Al's ideals reinforce CAFS' commitment to the continued development and education of the transportation industry. Therefore, we are proud to be recognizing, in his name, future students who show a desire to continue their studies in the industry.

Applicants must be registered in a provincially approved Heavy Mechanical foundation program or Automotive Service Technician foundation program. Heavy Mechanical foundation includes the scope of four occupations: Heavy Duty Equipment Technician, Truck & Transport Mechanic, Diesel Engine Mechanic, and Transport Trailer Technician.

Award Presentation

The next award Application / Presentation dates will be announced once we are able to hold in person meetings.

Application Deadline


Award Invitation


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